Boolean Algebra and Reduction Techniques

Boolean Algebra Laws and Rules

There are three laws of Boolean Algebra that are the same as ordinary algebra.

  1. The Commutative Law
    addition A + B = B + A (In terms of the result, the order in which variables are ORed makes no difference.)
    multiplication AB = BA (In terms of the result, the order in which variables are ANDed makes no difference.)
  2. The Associative Law
    addition A + (B + C) = (A + B) + C (When ORing more than two variables, the result is the same regardless of the grouping of the variables.)
    multiplication A(BC) = (AB)C (When ANDing more than two variables, the result is the same regardless of the grouping of the variables.)
  3. The Distributive Law - The distributive law is the factoring law. A common variable can be factored from an expression just as in ordinary algebra.
    A(B + C) = AB + AC

 (A + B)(C + D) = AC + AD + BC + BD Remeber FOIL(First, Outer, Inner, Last)?


Ten Basic Rules of Boolean Algebra


  1. Anything ANDed with a 0 is equal to 0. A * 0 = 0
  2. Anything ANDed with a 1 is equal to itself. A * 1 = A
  3. Anything ORed with a 0 is equal to itself. A + 0 = A
  4. Anything ORed with a 1 is equal to 1. A + 1 = 1
  5. Anything ANDed with itself is equal to itself. A * A = A
  6. Anything ORed with itself is equal to itself. A + A = A
  7. Anything ANDed with its own complement equals 0. 2.png
  8. Anything ORed with its own complement equals 1. 1.png
  9. Anything complemented twice is equal to the original. 4.png
  10. The two variable rule. 3.png



Simplification of Combinational Logic Circuits Using Boolean Algebra


Some Examples of Simplification

Perform FOIL (Firt - Outer - Inner - Last)

AA = A (Anything ANDed with itself is itself)

Find a like term (A) and pull it out. (There is an A in A, AC, and AB). Make sure you leave the BC alone at the end.

Anything ORed with a 1 is a 1 (1+C+B=1).

Anthing ANDed with a 1 is itself (A1=A)


Some Examples of Simplification (cont.)

Find like term (B) and pull it out.

Anything ORed with its own complement equals 1.

Anything ANDed with 1 is itself.


Some Examples of Simplification (cont.)

Find like term and pull them out. Make sure you leave the one.

Anything ORed with a 1 is 1.

Anything ANDed with a 1 is itself



Some Examples of Simplification (cont.)

Find like terms and pull them out.

Anything ORed with its own complement equals 1.

Anything ANDed with 1 equals itself.




NOTE: I will workout many examples in the video.


DeMorgan's Theorem



For example:



DeMorgan (cont.)



Applying DeMorgan's theorem and the distribution law:

Bubble Pushing





The Universal Capability of NAND and NOR Gates


AND-OR-Invert Gates for Implementing Sum-of-Products Expressions


Karnaugh Mapping

 This is a very visual problem so watch the video for examples on how to complete and solve Karnaugh Maps!


Additional Notes

In some cases the question arises as to the order of operations. If an AND and an OR appear in the same expression, which is to be done first? The order of operations of Boolean Algebra are the same as standard algebra. The AND operation (same as multiplication) is performed first. Of course, parentheses can be used to alter the order of operations just as in standard algebra. In the expression AB + C, A is ANDed to B then ORed with C. In the expression, A(B + C), B is ORed with C first, then ANDed with A.

A function inside a parentheses must be accomplished first before any functions outside the parentheses. A bar over several variables can also act as a parentheses. Any function under the bar must be done before any functions not under the bar.