BIO 135

The Spinal Cord

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Identify the numbered features of the spinal cord/vertebrae model, then check your answers against the key.

Spinal cord and vertebrae model


Identify the numbered features of the spinal cord model. You will be responsible for most of these features on the slide of a spinal cord cross section as well. Check your answers against the key.
Hint: to distinguish the posterior from anterior side of the spinal cord, note that only the posterior horns of the gray matter extend to the edge of the spinal cord.

Spinal cord only model


Identify the gross features listed on your handout for the spinal cord model at right. Check your answers against the labeled photo.

Additional structures are illustrated on the diagram in your lab manual and in the lab.

Spinal cord hanging model

This page  maintained by Bill Snyder . Last updated July 18 2012