- A demultiplexer (data distributor) will select a specific output data transmission path from many for the input data to be sent to.
- The demultiplexer has several control select lines which are used to determine the selected output transmission path.
- The number of data outputs is equal to 2N where N is the number of control select leads.
- The 74139 is a 1-of-4 decoder that can also be used as a demultiplexer.
- To use the 74139 as a demultiplexer, connect the incoming data to the enable input and use the A0 and A1 inputs as the control select lines.
- The 74154 1-of-16 decoder can also be used as a 16 line demultiplexer.
- Several CMOS chips use a transmission gate as part of the multiplexer/demultiplexer. This means that the gate is bidirectional and can also handle AC signals as well as binary 1's and 0's.
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