BIO 135 Virtual Labs

Identification Guide to
Connective Tissue Proper

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Areolar CT slide

Areolar (or Loose) C.T.

Identification: Loose arrangement of thin (elastic and reticular) and thick (collagen) fibers that criss-cross haphazardly.

Features to Know: collagen fibers (1), elastic fibers (2), fibroblasts (3).

Fibers Present: collagen fibers, elastic fibers, reticular fibers.

Where Located: surrounding most organs, underneath epithelia.

Functions: wraps, cushions, holds defensive cells, holds fluids.

reticular CT slide

Reticular C.T.

Identification: Dark-staining reticular fibers (2) present, but may be obscured by the numerous nuclei of lymphoblasts and other cells (1). Overall brownish color is also distinctive.

Features to Know: lymphoblasts (1).

Fibers Present: reticular fibers (2).

Where Located: spleen (also bone marrow, lymph nodes).

Function: forms scaffolding to support loose cells.

Adipose tissue slide

Adipose Tissue

Identification: Virtually no extracellular matrix visible due to greatly enlarged cells, nearly the entire volume of which is a fat vacuole (appears empty on slide). Most likely to be confused with simple squamous epithelium: note that the "open" areas are surrounded by narrow bands of cytoplasm, not multiple, nucleated cells. Few nuclei will be visible (arrow).

Features to Know: adipocyte, nucleus.

Fibers Present: none visible.

Where Located: underneath skin, breasts, surrounding eyes & kidneys.

Functions: energy storage, cushioning, insulation.

Dense Regular CT slide

Dense Regular C.T.

Identification: Densely packed parallel fibers. Note scattered cells (lack of lacunae distinguish this tissue from cartilages; compare especially to fibrocartilage).

Features to Know: fibroblast (1).

Fibers Present: collagen fibers.

Where Located: ligaments and tendons.

Function: attaches bone to bone or muscle; resists tensile (pulling) forces in single direction.

dense irregular CT slide

Dense Irregular C.T.

Identification: The collagen fibers are in distinct bundles, separated by space, giving an overall patchy or blocky appearance very dissimilar to other tissues.

Features to Know: fibroblasts, if visible.

Fibers Present: collagen fibers.

Where Located: dermis of skin.

Functions: provides strength; can withstand tensile forces in many directions.

Elastic CT slide

Elastic C.T.

Identification: Similar to dense regular CT (densely packed collagen fibers), but with distinct dark, usually zigzagging, lines of elastic fibers (arrow). Although it has a similar name to Elastic Cartilage, these two tissues are not that similar (note the more parallel fibers and lack of lacunae here).

Features to Know: fibroblasts.

Fibers Present: collagen fibers, elastic fibers.

Where Located: aorta.

Function: elasticity (can stretch and return to original shape).

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This page created by Udo M. Savalli.

 Maintained by Bill D. Snyder Last updated  September 29, 2009