Boolean Algebra Laws and Rules

There are three laws of Boolean Algebra that are the same as ordinary algebra.

  1. The Commutative Law
    addition A + B = B + A (In terms of the result, the order in which variables are ORed makes no difference.)
    multiplication AB = BA (In terms of the result, the order in which variables are ANDed makes no difference.)
  2. The Associative Law
    addition A + (B + C) = (A + B) + C (When ORing more than two variables, the result is the same regardless of the grouping of the variables.)
    multiplication A(BC) = (AB)C (When ANDing more than two variables, the result is the same regardless of the grouping of the variables.)
  3. The Distributive Law - The distributive law is the factoring law. A common variable can be factored from an expression just as in ordinary algebra.
    A(B + C) = AB + AC

 (A + B)(C + D) = AC + AD + BC + BD Remeber FOIL(First, Outer, Inner, Last)?