Introduction to Troubleshooting Techniques

Troubleshooting is the steps used to locate the fault or trouble in a circuit. The first step in troubleshooting is to understand how a particular IC is supposed to work. One tool for digital troubleshooting is the logic probe. The logic probe is used to indicate the High (1), Low (0), or floating (open circuit) condition of any pin on a digital IC. The second tool used in digital troubleshooting is the logic pulser. The pulser is used to inject a series of High and Low pulse signals into a logic gate. To test an AND gate, connect all inputs but one high. Connect the remaining input to the pulser and check the output with the probe. The output should be pulsing. To test an OR gate, connect all inputs except one low. Connect the unused input to the pulser and check the output with the probe. The output should again be pulsing. An experienced technician can use visual inspection as a troubleshooting tool. The technician will look for conditions such as a misaligned or broken IC pins, cracked circuit board, solder bridges and burnt or overheated components.


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